Browsing All posts tagged under »#slant«

Deer Sounds?

July 9, 2013


It’s the video you’ve been waiting for! Well I have, anyway. Remember the art/poem I put together for the blog where I used lines of the Emily Dickinson poem which begins “There’s a certain slant of light…”? I mentioned that the app TypeDrawing generated a digital video of the piece coming together. It’s pretty cool, […]

A Certain Slant of Light, Typographically Speaking

April 6, 2013


The project was vastly ambiguous, and also constrained.  Assignments like this always break my brain in the beginning.  It’s like breaking in fresh clay, I think.  In the right hands, something good will undoubtedly come out of it.  Speaking of breaking, here’s the project du jour: I could have done an Emily Dickinson variety show. But […]